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Thursday, December 25, 2014


I asked for the book, “A Portrait of my Father” by George W. Bush for Christmas.  I love to read, but I’m also a history nerd, and the opportunity to read a book written by one President about his father who was also President, is an account I hoped I would have the chance to enjoy.  

To eliminate the suspense... I received the book for Christmas!  

Getting this book is exciting for me.  But my wife, Amanda, takes gift giving to a completely different level.  While I would have enjoyed receiving the book by itself, she made this a gift I’ll treasure forever.  

When you open the inside cover, our family picture is on the left, with a note from Lilly Grace on the right.  She traced Lilly’s hand (although Lilly didn’t cooperate - ha ha) and had Lilly scribble her “signature” on the page.  I understand there was also glue involved with another idea Amanda had, but that didn’t turn out so well.  

The next page is a note written by Amanda. She truly is an encouragement to me.  

But what Amanda did next shows her heart.  She asked people to send me notes of encouragement she could include in the book.  

So the next page contains an email note from Bob Russell.  Bob has been a mentor to me in ministry.  I was a high school student the first time I remember listening to Bob preach.  But I’ll never forget how he kept my attention even then!  It has been an honor to meet Bob.  I am humbled and honored he would take time to honor Amanda’s request and write a note for me.

The next page contains a note from my dad.  My dad has been the greatest influence in my life. I know I’m incredibly blessed to be able to write that sentence because not everyone has a good father in their life.  But my dad has influenced me because he is authentic when it comes to what he believes.  Dad was consistent at home and in public, and that has been the greatest impact on my life.  I want to follow Christ because I’ve seen my dad follow Christ.  

Thank you Amanda for a great gift!  Merry Christmas!!!

PS - I also received a note from my friend Bane Angles.  Bane is like a brother to me and one of the most intelligent guys I know!  He has been a good friend to me since we were in school together.  I am very blessed because of my friendship with Bane!

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