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Friday, February 23, 2024


This is the time of year when most of the people who made New Year’s Resolutions have already quit. They’ve thrown in the towel. They started strong, even signed up for a spinning class, but 6 weeks into the new routine, they have dropped out. 

People drop out for many reasons… it’s hard to make a change and start exercising when you’re not used to it. It’s hard to say no to sugar. Especially when you don’t see any progress. After a few weeks I thought I’d be further along. I thought I would have the beach body instead of the dad bod. The results aren’t what they hoped for and they are ready to give it up. 

Exercise experts say the thing to do is to push on through. A person who keeps going for a few more weeks will likely turn the corner and begin seeing genuine change.

The same is true for starting a budget and controlling your spending. The first few weeks (even months) are tough. You may feel like giving up. But if you can push through, you will soon see the results you hoped for. It won’t be easy, but you’ll be glad you did.  

An Inc. Magazine article stated that 92% of all New Year’s goal setters will never achieve their goals. Which is kind of depressing. (Sad) 

But what if you could be part of the 8% who do reach their goals? 

What if your dreams become reality? 

Accomplishing goals is an important part of living a faithful life. Whether it’s a financial goal or a personal goal or a spiritual goal, we all have dreams we want to see become reality. 

It’s just that reaching these goals is not easy. And research backs this up when 92% of us do not make our New Year’s resolutions happen. 

But what do the 8% do to actually reach them? 

What can I do to be part of that 8% group? 

Here are three elements for goal setting that will increase your odds in reaching your goals. 

#1 - See the vision. 

You have a clear understanding of what it is you want to achieve and why it is important to you. 

I want to be financially secure so I can take care of my family and be generous to others. 

I want to build this business so I can make a positive impact on my community. 

I want to read through the Bible this year so I can grow in my faith and better understand God’s will for my life. 

I can see the vision. This is what I want to do. This is why I want to do it. 

#2 - Build the Stairway. 

Once you see the vision, you then build the steps to make that vision a reality. This stairway is the plan to reach my goals. These are the steps I’m taking to accomplish this goal. 

Sometimes it helps to reverse engineer your dream. Work backwards on what you would have to do to get from where you are to where you want to be. 

#3 - Define your core values. 

Your core values are the principles you live by that make you who you are as a person. When you can be authentic, combined with knowing your vision and your steps to make that vision a reality, that brings a focus to your life that will help you build something meaningful. You can make a huge impact when your vision lines up with your plans and they stay true to your core values. 

So, I encourage you to embrace this dream you have. Pour yourself into achieving these goals. Don’t give up! Don’t throw in the towel! Do these three things… 

See the vision.

Build the Stairway.

Define your core values. 

And you will greatly increase your odds for success. 

This is how we achieve the things that are important to us. And oh, by the way, this is how we also accomplish the goals that are important to God. 

So, embrace these challenges and know that with God as your ultimate Guide, you can live a life that takes incredible steps of faith! 

If you want to learn more about setting financial or spiritual goals, please reach out to me. I’m happy to help.

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